Hello friends and family. Please accept our apologies for having neglected the blog. Jeff is really rippin’ on his thesis and I am intolerably swamped with school. Turns out my program is obscenely sciency. This is proving to be a mind-blowing challenge for me (and for Jeff, who was tandem learning Physics with me). I dissected a human brain and spinal cord on Thursday, after which we visited the cadaver lab. No sarcasm here. I need not tell you all, who know me so well, that this was quite a feat for me considering I tend to gag when eggs are being fried or diapers are being changed. Sadly, we were not allowed to take pics of the brains because of stupid Face Book.
I will spare you my usual long-winded descriptions (save my south shore blurb) as we have a stack of pictures to post.
Last night we hosted a potluck Thanksgiving dinner for 12 people (fellow out-of-province students and their partners, roommates, siblings, ect). The spread included: turkey, yams, 2 homemade pies, tarts, 2 types of salad (including jello salad), York Shire pudding, shepherd’s pie, lasagna, stuffing, wine, beer, and more! It was a feast!
We miss you all so much. We are thankful for you! Lots of love from the Atlantic. xoxox

Post Saturday Maket visit, with a basket full of fresh local veggies

For my Language Acquisition class I had to take a language sample from a child; the equipment was hilariously dated!

Jeff releshing in his birthday gifts!

Note her pink tongue inside the jar!

In terms of weather, it still feels like mid-July here. Most days have been in the 20s and sunny. It has been unseasonably dry here (but when it rains, it really pours, so we were finally forced to buy suitable rain gear).

After a good rain, you will find slugs everywhere. This is a medium-sized one. Some are like hotdogs!

Lydia scored this werid voodoo looking doll out of someone's garbage on a walk - she too has the Haligonian spirit!