Monday, September 10, 2007

Yowza Minelli

Not too far from our place is a corner store. We have walked passed it on a number of occasions but never stopped. The other night we were at a birthday party for a guy we didn't know (he ate a ton of cake) and, amidst the festivities, a girl from Newfoundland walks in. It's not unusual for a girl from Newfoundland to walk into a house during a party, especially when invited by another "Newfie." The Newfies were excited. Jibber jabber ensued. The Old Newfie ('old' not in age but in time spent in Halifax relative to 'new'), at one point in their conversation, asks New Newfie if she has been to the Newfoundland Cornerstore. New Newfie replies, "no." Old Newfie, whose brown Newfie eyes nearly explode with excitement, responds, "You got to man, they even got Pineapple Crush." The conversation continued but it was hard to cipher their "heembop dungdang boi" east coasterly speak. So, at the outset, when I mentioned the cornerstore, I was making reference to the Newfoundland Cornerstore and hot dam, they have Pineapple Crush. Who knew such a thing existed? Personally, I think it is Newfie fuel by which they get their wicked sense of humour and violent Canadian dialect. I am going to drink many and maybe, just maybe, by the time any y'all see me, I will know jokes-a-plenty about old man Tuckett, his dog and his juice harp.


kathytimber said...

Pineapple crush - yum! Dude - how was the first day of school?

Laura said...

Hot Damn! I can't wait to hear some Newfie speak soon!

Also - that gate looks great!

Lance and Debbie said...

Jeff you are already transforming - OPUS PRIME! I may not even be able to recognize you...? (worry...worry...heavy sigh)

Love - mommola

Unknown said...

*Yeah Miss....dat Buddy up dare top d'page. You gon order dat what he's got on for me yeah?

*A snippet from my Sears days and daily chats with the Newfies. You brought back some 'sweet' memories for me.
