Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Frigid Weather

It has been SOOOOO cold here that we have been using our furnace oil like mad. Nova Fuels filled it for us this morning and $472.00 later we are in good shape for the "winter."

November 28, 2007

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Around Town

Kickin' it at the Citadel (that's the ocean on the horizon - neat)
The Public Gardens in Halifax (no dogs allowed) - A View Through the Fence
Happy Halloween - This Cemetary is a few block from us. People treat it like a park - no dogs allowed
Our latest end of the month score

That blog required much effort (the program wouldn't upload pictures properly). I aplogize for the randomness. Cheers.
View From the Citadel
Flowers are still Growing
Green Roof Then...
...and Green Roof Now
Lydia Perched on Citadel Hill