Monday, October 13, 2008

A Day in the Valley

Thanksgiving Sunday at 1:30pm we spontaneously rented a car and made our way to the Annapolis Valley for the day. The day consisted of picking a 27lb "pungkin" from a u-pick pumpkin patch, fish and chips under grape vines, honey crisp apples, a pumpkin regatta, 400 year old towns with cannons, farmers markets, coffee, miniature horses, a village of pumpkin people and lots of driving. It was grand.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

It's a Good Day for Taking Pics of Dahlias

When we heard it was supposed to snow in Regina today, we thought it was fitting (albeit cheeky) to post some falls pics of Hali (including the horse stables, only a few blocks from our house, at the base of Citadel Hill). Miss you all. Happy Thanksgiving.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Laura & Dakota's June Visit

This is a ridiculously belated post. Here are some pics and videos of the shinnannigans we had when Laura and Dakota came to visit in June - we had a blast.

Laura and Dakota were thrilled (huge understatement) to discover vegan beavertails on the harbor

Fine family dining at Mother Tuckers

Betty in Training: to set the stage for this clip, you should probably know that it took quite a bit of convincing and coaxing to get an apprehensive Laura on the longboard. Make sure your volume is on.

Dakota on the mouth harp and Jeff flipping the camera the bird

Although Laura was suspicious of the longboard, she was a natural on the scooter!