Monday, August 27, 2007


• Halifax became a city in 1749

• Nova Scotia became a province in 1867 (which makes it one of the founding provinces of Canadian Confederation)

• The metro population of Halifax is approximately 360, 000

• The population of Nova Scotia is approximately 950,000

• Nova Scotia is Latin for New Scotland

• The most recent census determined Nova Scotia to have the nation’s lowest ratio of men to women, with women outnumbering men 100 to 92.9. Even before consulting the census, we had heard rumblings about the disproportionately female population - that is to say, singles in Halifax have noticed the dilemma and/or advantage, depending on your perspective.

• With nearly 200 bars and restaurants in downtown Halifax, the city boasts the highest number of bars per capita in Canada.

• There are 4 universities and 2 colleges in Halifax:
-Dalhousie University (student population = 15,500)
-Mount Saint Vincent University
-St. Mary’s Univesity
-NSCAD University
-University of King’s College
-Nova Scotia Community College


Lance and Debbie said...

Don't go there if you are looking for a man!

d or m

Lance and Debbie said...

Jeff - we are actually from Scotland you know....might come in handy some day!


Lance and Debbie said...

Do you hear a lot of jigs playing? When we were in PEI there was a lot of Scottish music playing...hard to keep still!

d or m