Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Our Peeps

Our blog posts have been quite sporadic, as any avid reader can testify. This is due to Meg turning into a scientist, which will be quite a transformation. She is getting some buttons implanted in her back which, apparenlty according to her program, is the first step in becoming a scientist. I think it's weird and robot-like, but what do I know?

As for me, I have given myself the deadline of October 15, 2007 to finish the first draft of my thesis. Yeh, I know, nuts. I am going to drink 250 beer and go smash things downtown if this actually happens ( I may smash and drink anyway, time will tell).

We have some more blogs almost ready to go. Stay tuned....


Lance and Debbie said...

93 hits on the dirt devil scorpion...who are these people anyways?

Melissa said...

There are really not that many hits Deb and Lance... it's just that I watch it everyday when I wake up in the morning.... it really gets me up and going. In fact, I have stopped drinking coffee as this is a sufficient substitute.

Okay Dudar, why finish your thesis when you can just smash and drink for the rest of you life. This is my new message to my students.... why become a RCMP officer when you can spend the rest of your life drinking and driving... they don't seem to be getting it!

Much love on a Thursday!

Lance and Debbie said...

Melissa - I enjoy your thought provoking comments as much as the actual blog itself. I too watch the video every day..what if it is just you and I running up the tab? That would be weird, eh? Talk to you soon - d